1 min readFeb 3, 2021
Hi Pierre, thanks for the questions!
There are a couple different ways to deploy Vue + Django.
- The way outlined in this post where you have small Vue components inside of Django templates, with inline CSS/JS
- The way outlined in this link https://pascalw.me/blog/2020/04/19/webpack-django.html where you build standalone Vue components and
files - A completely separate Vue app that you deploy without Django + a Django API that you also deploy separately
If you have routers in your Vue app already, I’d say you want option #3.
To do it:
- Deploy your Vue app to static site hosting like Netlify
- Build a Django Rest API for the data you’ll need https://medium.com/swlh/build-your-first-rest-api-with-django-rest-framework-e394e39a482c
- If needed, create some way of authenticating your Vue app w/ the API. (e.g. access tokens, JWT, OAuth)
Happy to help here or via email - hello(at)bennettgarner(dot)com -if you run into any issues